Benefits of a Clean Office

Posted on: October 28th, 2013 by Tim David No Comments

A Clean Office is…

Cleanliness is an American ideal. For many, it is almost a religion; “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” Regardless of your individual preferences for organization, order, or cleaning, the simple truth is that your customers have high expectations for you and your business…and an orderly office is one of them. And office cleaning has multiple strong benefits for you and your business. The following represent just a few of the advantages of cleaning (or hiring a commercial janitorial service) to get that office cleaned.

…a Successful Office

A clean and organized office is a successful one. By employing commercial janitorial or cleaning services, you can make sure that your office is a place where: employees can get work done; customers can confidently trust your products and services; and everyone can be healthier and happier.

…a Productive Environment

Working in a cluttered office can be a difficult task. The adage that a cluttered desk signs a cluttered mind cannot be truer to employees and customers. Office cleaning can provide employees with just the work-space that allows them to maximize productivity. And in the winter months, organizing and cleaning can be particularly important. Dr. Pat Bass III claims that clutter and depression can go hand-in-hand, especially as the weather is colder and daylight hours shorter. By providing a clean work environment, you can increase employee focus, morale, and work output.

…Perceived Positively by Customers

Your office makes a lasting impression on your customers. An office that sparkles from commercial cleaning services can have as strong and positive impact on your company’s brand as the great products or services that you offer customers. Business experts Dr. Bernard Booms and Dr. Mary Bitner describe this potential as the servicescape of your business. The idea of servicescape is that your products and services are first valued based on the space in which you create them. So a professionally cleaned office is likely to produce products and services which are perceived as superior to products which are not from as clean of an office. And for servicescape, the details matter. A clean parking lot, through parking lot sweeping, can be as important to a customer as the quality of the actual service or goods being purchased. And sometimes customers cannot even recognize that they have made these servicescape judgments.

…A Safer Place

Commercial Snow Plowing Services

In earlier blog posts, we explained the ways in which a clean parking lot office can eliminate unnecessary risks in the office. For example, a parking lot cleared of debris through a snow removal business or parking lot sweeping is less likely to have employees and customers slipping while walking or sliding while driving. And as we enter the cold and flu season, commercial cleaning services can eliminate the spread of germs. The thorough and efficient use of commercial janitorial services can minimize the spread of sickness, reduce employee absence, and increase productivity in the difficult winter months. (For a more thorough description of the safety that is guaranteed through office cleaning, see our blog post Winter Tips for Your Business and Employees).

These are just a few of the many benefits that can accompany a truly clean office (particularly when professionally done by a commercial janitorial service). What other benefits have you experienced by working in clean spaces? Tell us by leaving a comment to this post.

For more information about commercial cleaning Services, contact us at EHC.